TFI TAB Gida Yatirimlari AS ADR (TFIG.O)

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公司介绍(TFI TAB Gida Yatirimlari AS ADR)

证券代码 TFIG.O
证券名称 TFI TAB Gida Yatirimlari AS ADR
证券类型 美国存托凭证
上市场所 纳斯达克交易所
上市板块 主板
发行方式 公开发售
首发上市日 -
首发价格(元) -
首发数量(股) 0
首发募资额(元) -
首发主承销商 Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC,Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC,Gold
货币单位 -
公司名称 TFI TAB Gida Yatirimlari A.S.
注册地址 土耳其
办公地址 Dikilitas Mahallesi Cad. A Blok No. 109, Besiktas, Istanbul
成立日期 1995-06-26
董事会主席 Erhan Kurdo?lu
公司属地 Turkey 土耳其
电话 +90 (212) 310-4899
传真 -
公司简介 TFI TAB Gida Yatirimlari A.S. is one of the world's largest global restaurant operators by number of restaurants and the largest Restaurant Brands International, or RBI, franchisee globally. It operate a broad range of quick service restaurants, or QSRs, mainly in Turkey and China, and it brand portfolio includes some of the most widely recognized QSR brands in the world. During it 22-year history, it has grown it portfolio to provide customers with a broad range of quick service offerings. It has developed a deep local knowledge in it markets, a data-driven management approach, a culture of continuous improvement and information sharing, a secure supply chain and flexible network infrastructure. It brands, culture and infrastructure have enabled us to create a tailored and differentiated go-to-market strategy and customer proposition that have led to strong and resilient growth, operating leverage and an ability to meet the demands of it expanding and evolving customer base. It has built it organization around accessing and satisfying it customers with a mission to provide delicious food at affordable prices either in the fun, social atmosphere of it restaurants or in the comfort of their homes and offices, while setting the table to expand it brand and capture the significant white space opportunity in the markets where it operate.
